Old Timer Guthook Skinner 158OT Fixed Blade Knife - Reviews
Old Timer Guthook Skinner 158OT Fixed Blade Knife
Sad 01/02/2025 ByClay It's sad to see that this great knife company is outsourcing to China now. I love my Old Timer Gut Hook, it's roughly 36 years old now. But I'll look for an American made knife company.
great knife07/16/2019 Byjeremy my dad got me this knife or something similar to this knife 20 years ago and its still sharp and goes with me everywhere i go and im sure it will be a great knife 20 years from now.
Guthook Skinner knife12/08/2017 ByCATHY JONES I purchased the Old Timers Guthook Skinner knife tha I love it is small and fits my hand perfectly. Smooth clean cuts. Wonderful product.